Import / export webinar settings and styling


It's possible to export your webinar setting, so you can use the styling on another webinar or website. After you are done setting up your webinar, save your webinar. When you have saved your webinar, go to the 'import/export' tab and click export. Save the exported .json file on your computer.


You can import any exported webinar file, and use the styling on another webinar. Before you import a file, make sure it is a .json document. If you received a .zip file, first unzip the file and use the .json file inside the .zip file.

Edit the webinar on which you want to use the theme with. Scroll down to the webinar settings, and look for the ‘import/export’ tab. Click on the import button and select the theme file. It will take a few seconds before the file is imported.Be aware: The webinar theme file is not a regular WordPress theme file, but specific for use within Webinarpress Pro. Don’t see the import/export tab in your webinar settings? Then you aren’t using Webinarpress Pro, but our lite version. Make sure to buy a license for WebinarPress Pro to make use of all the extra functionalities and webinar themes.

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