Integrate with Enormail
You can use your own mailinglistprovider with WP WebinarSystem Pro. To integrate Enormail, first go to the settings page of WP WebinarSystem and click on the ‘Mailinglist provider’ tab. Here you will be prompt to add the API key you will collect from the Enormail website.
Authenticate with Enormail
In your Enormail account, go to your account menu and click on ‘Mijn account’.
Next, click on “API toegang” on the menu beneath Mijn account.
You will see a ‘secret API key’ on your screen which you need to copy to the settingspage of WP WebinarSystem.
If you have to create an API key. Scroll to the below section in your Enormail account and create a new API key.
After you paste the API key of Enormail, click on the “check” button. There will be an immediate check taking place to see if the API key is correct and valid. If so you will see checkmark after loading. If not, you will see a red cross which means you API key isn’t correct.
If everything is fine, click on the “save changes” button.
That is all there is to it. Now that you are all set, you can connect one of your mailinglists to a specific webinar. wp webinarsystem
Connect a mailinglist to a webinar
Edit one of your webinars which you would like to connect to Enormail, and go to the “Mailinglist” tab under your Webinar settings. Simply click on Enormail, and all your mailinglists will be shown. Select the mailinglist you would like to connect, and you webinar subscribers will be added to your list automatically after registration.